Fighting Adversity

In this time of societal adversity our world faces, many individuals are struggling with their own financial adversity. To those for whom these trials seem insurmountable and frightening we offer these words of the courage and hope as inspiration to keep moving forward.

Often it is only through adversity, financial or otherwise, that our truest self is found. In the face of it we are given a simple choice to run or fight through it. Some may say that there are times you just cannot fight it, the only option is to run, but that is simply not the case. There is always a way through. Is it easy? No, but it can be done by anyone. The challenge is having the heart to face the naysayers, the setbacks, and, our worst enemy, our own fear. The challenge is having the faith in not only a higher power, but ourselves to get us through the worst parts. However, if we do that, we will enjoy the best parts all the more.

Faust said “A rebirth out of spiritual adversity causes us to become new creatures.” In effect saying that by going through adversity we are reborn as better versions of ourselves.

So how do we face it and win? We Act, we do those things we need to and don’t let anyone or anything keep us from doing them. Maybe your saying to yourself “but I don’t know what I need to do?” or “If only it were that easy.” It’s ok not to know what to do, the key that will set you free is even when you don’t know, act. This action can be to learn what you need to do. Once you know that do not stop, keep acting, and assessing what to do next. Continuous action is the only way to overcome adversity and indeed to achieve our dreams.

The question then is what are you going to do? Will you fight against adversity and achieve your dreams? Will you be reborn as a stronger version of yourself? If you choose to face and act against your adversity, you will be forever changed. Until next time keep taking action and remember Frugal Up!


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