
Fighting Adversity

In this time of societal adversity our world faces, many individuals are struggling with their own financial adversity. To those for whom these trials seem insurmountable and frightening we offer these words of the courage and hope as inspiration to keep moving forward. Often it is only through adversity, financial or otherwise, that our truest self is found. In the face of it we are given a simple choice to run or fight through it. Some may say that there are times you just cannot fight it, the only option is to run, but that is simply not the case. There is always a way through. Is it easy? No, but it can be done by anyone. The challenge is having the heart to face the naysayers, the setbacks, and, our worst enemy, our own fear. The challenge is having the faith in not only a higher power, but ourselves to get us through the worst parts. However, if we do that, we will enjoy the best parts all the more. Faust said “ A rebirth out of spiritual adversity causes us to become

Just Start Already!!!

As the saying goes “The first step is always the hardest.” I had not been as keenly aware of how true that was until we began this process, so I want to share some of the things that got us to “Just Start Already!!!” The truth is we have discussed the future for the 9 years of our marriage, but we had never been very clear and specific in those talks. In order to really get started we needed to correct that by fixing in our minds a destination for our lives. When I say a destination, I don’t mean a vague idea that we would like to settle somewhere and stop moving around. No, I am referring to a specific somewhere (Southern Florida) with a specific timeline (8 years) and specific requirements (a 5 to 10-acre homestead farm). The first thing to get you started is to  get very clear and specific  on your life’s destination. Doing so created a positive shift in our focus from the circumstances pushing us, to our goals that are pulling us where we want to go. This makes it easier fo


Welcome to Frugal Up , where you can follow one couple’s journey from a consumeristic lifestyle to frugality, and eventual financial independence. In writing this it’s our hope that our readers will gain inspiration to build their own financially independent lifestyle. That said let me introduce our definitions of financial independence and frugality.   Financial Independence to us is being able to meet all our financial responsibilities each month and have a growing savings without concern for employment . To clarify that we believe that some debt is necessary in the modern world, but that it should be controlled and used in ways that benefit the user long term. For instance, using a credit card to buy a new tv is not really a good idea unless you can pay it off right away and collect travel miles on the purchase. Conversely, using a mortgage to purchase a home is a good use if you can make the payment even when you aren’t working for a short time. This lesson is one we’ve learne